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Eco Drain Cage

ECO DRAIN CAGE is a storm water debris protection system that is easy to install and maintain that can be modified to suit any open storm water drain.


After working closely with the Christchurch city council, we have come up with a simple but effective solution to the issue of loose debris entering our storm water systems. The ECO DRAIN CAGE can be retro fitted to any open storm water sump. We believe that everyone wants to help the environment in some way. ECO DRAIN CAGE is easy to install, maintain and is a cost-effective way of tackling an overwhelming problem.


Cost effective

Eco Drain Cage is fully customizable to fit any type of sump


Eco Drain Cage is made from high-grade stainless steel and comes with a 10 year guarantee.

Easy to clean

Eco Drain Cage can catch any debris larger than 2.5mm in size, and is easy to clean and replace.

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Gareth Sleeman | General Manager


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Mike | Operations


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